When you will be in the scan page, you will see two things :
- You have a button that allows you to create a new scan.
- All the previous scan with the name, the template, the datetime and a possibility to go to the report.
Create a new scan
If you click on the button, a modal appears. You have to enter all the informations that you want to be part of the scan.
You can enter a scan name.
You can choose a template if it fits what you need to scan.
You can specify the target, either an IP address or an hostname.
You can specify the target port, if its a range of ports, all ports or the top ports (until the ports that you’ve entered).
You can add options to your scan, with and intensity and a temporisation.
You can add modules. If you want to scan the infrastructure or you company, or you want to know more informations about the certificate of a domain in particular. All the possibility are in the modules parts.